Whilst we have endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of this general information, no statement, representation, warranty or guarantee, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy or appropriateness for use in any particular circumstances. 本网站虽已尽力确保该等资料的准确,但对于该等资料在任何特定情况下使用时的准确性或恰当性,并没有作出任何明示或隐含的陈述、保证或担保。
Through comparative study, Part 4 treats the general elements and effect of warranty of defects of thing in sample contract compared with 第五章,通过与凭样品买卖中物之瑕疵担保责任作比较,并运用价值方法,论述了特殊瑕疵担保责任的构成要件和法律效力,对我国
The third and forth chapter of the paper expatiates general theory about warranty against defects of title, and it also makes a systemic research on the legal force and constituent elements of warranty against defects of title. 第三、四部分分别对权利瑕疵的表现形式和一般理论进行了论述,包括权利瑕疵担保责任的构成要件、法律效力、免责及与无权处分的关系。
Section one introduces the general theory of the liability for warranty of defects on the objects, including its concept, nature, characteristics, value and foundation of the theory. 第一部分介绍了物的瑕疵担保责任制度的一般理论,包括其概念、性质、理论基础和制度价值以及主要特征。
Through theoretical analysis and questionnaire survey analysis, we can understand the license was of contractual nature, and its general terms should have legal force, and no warranty term was unreasonable. 通过理论分析与问卷调查分析,可以得知,许可证本身具有合同性质,其一般条款应当具有法律效力,其无担保条款确实存在不合理之处。